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Is The Gym Not For You? The Top Gym Alternatives

Is The Gym Not For You? The Top Gym Alternatives

If you find the gym boring or you need a bit of variety in your workout schedule you have plenty of options to choose from. Here are the top gym alternatives.

Group Fitness Classes

Working out as part of a group helps to keep you motivated and is a great way to meet new people. There are an endless variety of fitness classes to choose from most of which use your body weight as resistance. Find a weekly class or two you enjoy or switch between a variety of classes to mix things up. This might include CrossFit, yoga, Pilates, Zumba, TRX, or spin classes. Be sure to try a few different instructors as some be a better fit of you than others.

At Home Workouts

No need for a full home gym as working out at home requires little more than a fitness mat and a few other routine-specific investments. This might include handheld free weights, resistance bands, a stability ball, or athletic shoes. Working out at home might not be your daily routine but it can help you maximize your time on days when your schedule is tight. YouTube has a surprising range of workout videos, you can rotate between different fitness apps like Aaptive, or you can subscribe to fitness websites like Variety is key as doing the same workout video or routine each time can get old fast.

Active Fun

Active fun must never be underestimated. It’s an excellent way to workout without it feeling like work. Look for an activity or two each week or as weather permits to swap out your days at the gym. Invite friends and family with to socialize and spend quality time together. This might include:

Personal Training

Don’t be intimidated by personal training as few trainers support the extreme training regimens we see on reality TV shows. Just like investing in personalized nutrition, your personal trainer will create a fitness strategy to address your individual needs. They will start where you are and keep you motivated. In terms of results, personal training is a quality vs. quantity approach that often delivers faster results than your solo workouts. You can find trainers at your local gym, you can schedule private classes at your preferred fitness studios, and you can train one-on-one at home or with live streaming.

If you enjoy your workout you are more likely to stick to a regular schedule. This might mean one day in the gym, one day playing a sport, and 2 days working out at home. There is no right or wrong, you just have to find what works for you.

Looking For Personalized Nutrition Too?

Working out is essential for whole body health. It keeps your heart healthy, your circulation flowing, maintains and improves flexibility and balance, improves the quality of your sleep, and flushes toxins and tension out of your muscles and joints. It also keeps your body strong and burns calories. If weight loss is also your goal you must keep in mind that fitness is only about 10 percent of the weight loss equation. Your lifestyle choices and how you nourish your body make up the other 90 percent. To learn more about the benefits of personalized nutrition reach out to the team at PNC today!