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Common Nutrition Myths

Common Nutrition Myths
One of the biggest roadblocks to achieving your health and wellness goals is that there are a lot of nutrition myths that we turn to in order to improve our health. Although much of the dietary advice out there is based on data and scientific research it is often taken to an unhealthy or unrealistic extreme. Below we look at some of the most common nutrition myths.

Nutrition Myth #1 Fat, Sugar, And Carbs Are Bad

First and foremost, our body requires moderate amounts of fat, sugar, and carbs to thrive. The challenge is that not all fats, sugars, and carbs are created equally. As a general rule of thumb, if you eat a well-balanced diet made from whole foods you have little to worry about. Where these three components become a problem is when speaking of diets high in processed foods. For example, the sugar in a serving of fruit is vastly different than the sugar in a candy bar.

Nutrition Myth #2 There Is One Diet That Works For Everyone

Advocates of personalized nutrition have always understood this, but now there is scientific evidence that eating the same foods does not impact everyone the same way. This includes carbs. Instead, diets need to be designed to support each individual’s needs. These needs will vary base on factors such as age, gender, overall health, level of physical activity, and personal health goals.

Nutrition Myth #3 Fewer Calories Equals Weight Loss

While calories play a role in the weight loss equation calories are not the primary driver. For example, a low-calorie, high-sugar diet can lead to weight gain. Or a low-calorie deprivation diet can lead to loss of muscle mass, which often accelerates weight gain. Or a repetitive but unbalanced low-calorie diet can leave you deficient in multiple vitamins and minerals. By eating a personalized selection of food, you can fuel your body and feel full. And yes, your personalized diet will be delicious and nutritious.

Nutrition Myth #4 Thin Means Healthy

The concept that the only reason to revisit your diet is that you have weight to lose just isn’t true. Health has far less to do with the number on the scale than you might imagine. Someone who is thin may celebrate that they can eat anything they want and not gain a pound, but their health may be lacking due to their poor nutrition. While their weight may not be an issue, they may be constantly sick, sluggish, and moody. On the flip side, not everyone carrying a bit of extra weight is unhealthy.

If you would like to learn more about eating to nourish and heal your body, as opposed to eating to lose weight—reach out to the team at Personalized Nutrition Concepts!