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Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

A healthy chocolate chip cookie recipe.
If you make 12 cookies, you could have 2 cookies for 1 serving of fruit and 1 serving of fat.

Ingredients (Makes 12 cookies):
2 – 4 oz ripe bananas = 2 servings of fruit (30 g carbs)
1 cup oats = 4 servings of grain (60 g carbs)
2 tablespoons natural peanut butter or almond butter = 3 servings of fat (15 g fat)
1/4 cup chocolate chips (These Natural Cacao Nibs are sold at Sprouts) = 3.6 servings of fat (18 g fat)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with a silicone baking mat or parchment. Mash the bananas well, then mix in the oats and peanut butter. Fold in the chocolate chips. Drop by tablespoons full onto the baking sheet, about 1 inch apart (the cookies do not spread out, so closer is OK). Bake for 20-22 minutes, or until no longer sticky and lightly browned. Cool on a wire rack and store in tightly closed container.